Want To Look Aquiline? Try These 6 Facial Exercises

By Urbanaveed
7 Min Read

Facial Exercises strengthens the facial muscles. Repetitive stimulation of facial muscles enhances muscular activity and results in hypertrophy. Exercises, especially resistance exercises improve the integrity of muscle structure. Fascinating jawlines and cheekbones are the epitome of facial beauty. Multiple resistance exercises augment the overall muscular appearance and make your face look chiseled.

How Facial Exercises Improve the Muscular Health?

Regular and appropriate facial exercises can do a lot beyond our understanding. First and foremost, recurrent stimulation of motor pathways towards facial muscles increases the efficiency of neurotransmitters at neuromuscular junctions. Synaptic facilitation is the phenomenon where the efficiency of neurotransmitters at the neuromuscular junction is temporarily increased. This can be achieved by regular and continuous exercise.

Let’s learn this process in detail. When engaging in facial exercises with a cyclic rhythm, nerve impulses propagate from the central nervous system to the voluntary muscles of the face, inducing contraction. At the synapse (junction between motor neuron and muscle fibers), there is a release of neurotransmitters like acetylcholine. When we do exercise periodically, it enhances the neuromuscular activity. As a result, the overall efficiency of the neuromuscular system increases.

Another explanation behind boosted muscular activeness is increased motor unit recruitment. The motor unit is made up of a motor nerve coming from brain or spinal cord and muscle fibers to which motor nerve is conducting the message. Exercise leads to increased motor unit recruitment. As a result, more motor neurons are activated, engaging a larger number of muscle fibers. Over time, the nervous system becomes more adept at recruiting and synchronizing muscle fibers for specific movements.

Increased muscular activity also improves the sarcomere contractile activity (contractile activity of basic contraction unit of muscles). When a nerve impulse reaches the neuromuscular junction, it triggers the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and causes the formation of cross-bridges between muscular proteins. To cut short, repetitive muscular contractions as an outcome of regular facial exercises, especially resistance training cause your muscular activity to work in a flow. Such muscular activity results in a bold and attractive muscular appearance.

6 Facial Exercises for Attractive Muscular Appearance

Happy Smiley Exercise

Zygomaticus minor and major are involved in this facial exercise. Smile widely while keeping your lips closed, and engage your cheek muscles while doing it. At the wide angle of your smile (happy smiley), place a finger on your cheek muscles and lift them upwards. Zygomaticus are the facial muscles that are involved in the smiling process. Continuous contractions of the zygomaticus improve its elasticity.

Cheek lifts for strengthening cheek muscles.
Cheek lifts for powering up zygomaticus muscles.

Let’s Resist Frowning

Forehead raises are resistance exercises against the forehead muscle; Frontalis. Place your fingers just above the eyebrows. Gently try to pull down while raising your eyebrows. Resist frowning for a few seconds and then release. Repeat it several times. Working against frontalis increases the muscle tonicity and responsiveness. This exercise also plays a role in reducing the wrinkles on your forehead.

Forehead raises for strengthening  facial muscles
Forehead raises for strengthening frontalis muscles.

Neck Firming Exercise

Platysma is a thin sheet of muscle starting from the neck to the lower face. Try to look at the ceiling with your head tilting back. Pucker your lips for a few seconds and return to the original position. Do this multiple times to improve the firmness of platysma and also to prevent sagging,

neck stretches for improving facial muscles
Neck stretches for improving Platysma.

Fish Face Exercise

Buccinator muscles are implicated in the fish face exercise. Suck in your cheek muscles to make a fish-type appearance. Release after a few seconds. Do this several times to augment the contractile activity of the buccinator. This creates a soothing jawline and improves cheek muscles.

fish face exercise
Strengthening buccinator muscles for sleek jawlines.

Let’s Yawn Together

Open your mouth wide as if you are yawning (This is the only yawn that makes you more active). Work against the resistance and engage your jaw while doing so. The temporalis and Masseter are the key muscles in jaw movements. The Temporalis muscle is located on the side of the head and is involved in closing the jaw. The Masseter is a powerful muscle that elevates the jaw. Regular exercise of the Temporalis and Masseter maintain the tone of these muscles, keeping them firm and elastic.

facial exercises for improving masseter and temporalis
Jaw opener exercises involve masseter and temporalis muscles and hence strengthen them.

Forced Frowning

Orbicularis Oculi surrounds the eye socket and is involved in closing the eyes. Keep your eyes closed and place your fingers above your eyebrows. Push your eyebrows up against the resistance. This is somehow the opposite of frowning resistance exercise as explained above. This exercise strengthens orbicularis oculi, improving the overall eye appearance. It also prevents eyes from sagging and wrinkling.

In a Nutshell

Recurrent facial exercises keep our facial muscles in check. This cyclic activity is necessary for the healthy appearance of facial muscles. Furthermore, repetitive stimulation enhances the efficiency of neurotransmitters, improving their secretion and responsiveness. Increased stimulation of facial muscles leads to increased responsiveness. The face is the most apparent in our well-being, either physical or emotional. Facial exercises strengthen and relax our muscles simultaneously. Exercise boosts our mental health by stabilizing our mood. This can be another blog topic on how exercise leads to emotional stability. Moreover, best hand exercises for arthritis can your next read. It encompass simple and easy hand exercises to optimize hand and fingers motion.

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Student of BSc MLT at NUMS, and Content Writer in Health, Medicine, and Wellness. Finding soothe in writing and spreading knowledge.
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