Greetings, and welcome to the Habitlearn, your dedicated resource for health information. We are delighted that you have chosen Habitlearn to grasp knowledge about your body, brain, and mindset. Reading educational content about the soundness of your health is an appreciated practice. Prior to immersing yourselves in the world of biological knowledge, it’s essential to clarify some important concerns:

Informational ContentGuidance DisclaimerIndividual journeySeeking Professional AdviceNo Guarantee of ResultsInformational TimelinesAdvertisementsUser ResponsibilityExternal LinksIntellectual Property

Informational Content

The content provided in the Habitlearn is for the sake of general information. Both the textual content and the media (images and videos) are for educational purposes. We aim to provide substantial and enriched content that can play a healthy role in your journey of self-improvement. Our main focus is on the nutritional value of natural entities. We let the readers embark on a profitable journey to keep their bodies and brains wholesome. We realize that our information may not properly cater to your distinct preferences and circumstances. Reach out for the experienced advice related to your scenario. The information provided here covers the broad aspect of health and wellness.

Guidance Disclaimer

While we endeavor to offer general information for boosting your health and cognitive functionality, we do not recommend completely relying on these practices. Every human being has a different set of variations within his body. The general information is optimized for general purposes. But if you are experiencing a particular circumstance, we cannot guide you professionally. We just let your brains grasp educational knowledge but cannot comprehend your emotional or physical state. This guidance is on a universal basis and demands broad understanding.

Individual Decisions

Every human being embarks on a different journey. Humans are multifaceted in their causes and effects. The educational information provided on the Habitlearn is for broad understanding. It does not imply wholly to every human being. The guidance is general and requires a flexible attitude according to your perception. Do not take it personally on your journey. Just let it be universal.

Seek Professional Advice

Health and wellness is a sensitive area of writing. We make our content error-free by letting qualified professionals cross-verify it. Still, we recommend seeking professional advice from the experts, depending on your concern. Medical experts, nutritionists, and psychologists should be consulted in the case of any particular concern. Habitlearn is not responsible for recommending professional medical advice. It just provides a broad understanding of general health aspects.

No Guarantee of Results

Habitlearn does not take any guarantee of results, including medical reports, prescriptions, medical drug intake, or nutritional deficiencies. We do not guarantee the personal interventions a person takes after reading our content. We only suggest informational content with a general perspective. We do not guarantee any serious medical condition that results by concerning our blogs.

Informational Timeline Variability

Research and innovations make the health niche an evolving one. The accuracy of information is maintained within the set period. As new technologies and information take place the previous ones, specifically in the health niche, we do not take responsibility for content accuracy after it has become obsolete. We demand time-to-time verification from our readers if the informational content has been posted a long time before. We also make sure to update the technicalities in our content, but if you find any then let us know by contacting us.


We allow authentic platforms to advertise related content or products on Habitlearn. We are not responsible for any misinterpretation from third-party advertisers. You click on advertisements on your own. We try our best to make sure that advertisements are not spam or related to any phishing agenda. We try to let only those advertisers post on our website who are authentic, notable, and are not involved in malware. Still, if the advertisements on our website cause any financial loss, we do not take responsibility.

User Responsibility

Habitlearn and its team hold no accountability for any losses, serious complications, or damages resulting from your interaction on our website. Educational content provides the information on generic basis and holds no rights of any professional advice. Habitlearn is not accountable for your health-related decisions resulting from your interaction on our website. The user is responsible for his health concerns and the decisions he takes.

We provide external links in our writing to let the users know in-depth details of certain terms in the medical world. The purpose of external linking is to facilitate the user by clicking on the clickable words without interrupting the main content. Any information or data (in the form of images, videos, or advertisements) on the third party’s website (externally linked website) is not our property. We are not responsible for any spam or error on third party’s website. You visit the external links according to your will. Any technical fault on the third party’s website should be consulted with them, including advertisements or links present on the third party’s website.

Intellectual Property

All content on the is the intellectual property of Habitlearn. Any copyright infringement would be strictly pursued. Consult our DMCA policy to learn more about copyright infringement.

The disclaimer policy can be changed from time to time. You are requested to subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated about any change in the Disclaimer policy of Habitlearn.

Warm Regards

Founder, Urba Naveed