
Student of BSc MLT at NUMS, and Content Writer in Health, Medicine, and Wellness. Finding soothe in writing and spreading knowledge.
45 Articles

Why Body Shifts to Fat Metabolism For Energy Production in Type 2 Diabetes?

Fat metabolism is both a healthy alternative and an upsetting mechanism simultaneously

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An Overview of Teratogens. Potential Causes of Congenital Disorders.

What are Teratogens? Teratogens are agents or substances that have the potential

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Why Plant Based Oils are Preferable in the Context of Cardiovascular Health?

Plant-based oils are judged healthy oils for cardiovascular health. Diverse culinary use

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Severe Dehydration Can Be Fatal! A Trigger to Hypovolemic Shock.

Severe dehydration has the potential to cause hypovolemic shock. Dehydration is the

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High Altitude Fitness Strategies: Exercise and Diet

Hypoxic conditions at high altitudes can be fatal for most of the

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Obesity Can Cause Women Not to Ovulate Regularly

Obesity, being high in fat content, is more unhealthy than one can

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Essential Nutrients for Better Reproductive Health Outcomes

Nutrition adds beauty to both physical and emotional well-being. The food we

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A Peep into the Understanding of High Altitude Sickness.

What is High Altitude Sickness? High altitude sickness is our body's typical

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