Hey Habitlearners, please be enthralled by landing on this page. You must be interested in learning about us! We guarantee that you will enjoy while reading this page. We tried our best to make the About Us section absorbing as far as we could. Let’s delve into the world of Habitlearn.

Hey again, because here my introduction is coming. I am Urba, an undergraduate medical student at the National University of Medical Sciences. My major is Medical Lab Technology at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. I created this blogging website to spread health knowledge and resolving body mysteries by providing valuable insights and to gain more understanding of human body complexities. As biology and health are my subjects of study and career, I really find it satisfying to do research and provide intriguing information to the zealous people who wants to learn something new about nature.

As health is a sensitive area, it is mandatory to check one’s writing before publishing them. For this purpose, I always make sure to let my teachers and mentors verify my writing. Our Zealous technical staff makes sure that the technicalities of this website should be up-to-date. If you find any issues while navigating our website or scrolling through our website, let us know by contacting us. It is a privileged feeling to work on your own and write any interesting content you want with scientific details and proofs. The more privileged this feeling becomes when the people for whom we are writing, appreciate our efforts.

Writing on your own is the highest form of self-independence. I found it very interesting and blissful to write on my favorite topics. Self-improvement is vital for the human race. Without continuous self-improvement, we can’t raise the overall standard of earthly life. Besides this earthly life, we also have a cognitive or dimensional life. Improving both of them simultaneously is the core of this website.

Habitlearn is a health and wellness encouraging platform that encourages its readers to learn the basics and in-depth details of their bodies. Every person is an expert in his field but the knowledge of some fields is necessary for everyone to know. As a member of the human race, we all share the same biology and biochemistry. The human body is delicate and complex. A person who has not indulged himself in this profession cannot know this intricacy. For this purpose, Habitlearn tries to maintain its content simple and comprehensible for all.

The purpose of Habitlearn is to spread knowledge and enlightenment to enthusiastic individuals. Perceptive minds always want to comprehend the actions taking place in their environment. Human biology is an integral part of the human environment. Such minds want to grasp the in-depth knowledge of how the human body is made from a single cell, what can be its complications, how one part of a body affects other parts, how different body parts and mechanisms are interconnected, how a single nutrient affects a diversity of processes taking place in living beings?

On a simpler scale, some ordinary minds also want to know simple things like how our body responds to different exercises, which foods are integral for maintaining ideal cardiovascular health, and which physical exercises make our body look charming and curvy. Habitlearn serves both kinds of audiences.

Habitlearn chooses both simple and complex topics for different types of readers. Even in complex blogs, we put our effort into making it graspable and reader-friendly. When there is a concern for difficulty, detailed images serve the purpose of simplicity.

The very purpose of our website is to build a platform that is synchronized with constructive energies. With the passage of time, the value of content improves as practice makes a man perfect. Synchronizing at a constructive frequency improves the mindset. Thoughts are what we really are! We ultimately become what we think of. Thoughts make the staircase of our future. If the staircase is mumbo-jumbo or muddy, then we will definitely fall while climbing that staircase.

It is important to build a strong staircase for a prosperous future and this is possible by strong and healthy thought. By taking Quantum Physics in this regard, it is revealed that a person becomes what he thinks of. It is compulsory to think that in the present manner and with strong belief.

The world we are living in is not the only world. We can live in multiple dimensions. To live in multiple dimensions, one has to transcend higher from this physical world. To transcend, it is crucial to imagine in higher dimensions, in higher thoughts. So, thinking is vital in our lives. Let me correct it, constructive thinking is vital for our lives. Every pro also has a con. If constructive thinking helps to achieve more, similarly destructive and muddled thinking will do the opposite. So, to think constructively and positively is the purpose of this platform.

We want our audience to face no technical or cognitive difficulties while reading my writings. Lastly, if any of our readers find our website appreciable and appealing, please let us know in the comments. Your comments matter to us; they act as a source of motivation and inspiration. We are interested in knowing your queries or feedback.